SKT1 Contacts Peanut To Be SKT Starting Jungler

SKT T1 contacted 'Peanut' Han Chan-ho through official procedure on the 14th. The SKT T1 recently contacted the King's Dragon X for a player and opened a negotiation table with 'Peanut'. However, there was no confirmed result during negotiations for more than an hour. It is known that he has also visited other jungle clubs as well as 'Peanuts'.
Currently, there are no clear results. The SKT T1 showed interest in two promising jungleers besides 'Peanuts'. According to the official, "one refused by the team, and another did not give a clear answer to the SKT T1's proposal."
Although the negotiations are still sluggish, the SKT T1 is still active in joining the jungle. Another official said, "The SKT T1 is moving in a tidy direction, and it is likely that the tie of the Blank will be decided depending on what tier's jungle player is being bought."

SKT1 Contacts Peanut To Be SKT Starting Jungler SKT1 Contacts Peanut To Be SKT Starting Jungler Reviewed by winston on November 15, 2018 Rating: 5

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