TOP 5 8.23 Patch Changes That will effect the meta

Patch 8.23 or as players refers to the pre-season patch , this patch is important as riot games dev team throw major changes to the game throw this patch , last year we have received a major runes and masteries  rewotrk , which give birth to new meta's and what most players called the worst season in the game , more damage more mobility more unbalanced and broken champions makes the game all about picks and bans , however the pro scene have a compliantly different story , most champions of league of legend had there chance to be in the pro scene 80% of the champion picked in this year world which makes it according to riot the best worlds ever. so what are the changes coming next patch?

NOTICE: source for these changes is the pbe public beta environment which means that riot test some stuff before throwing them live , so u wont know for sure till these changes hit live servers

Tower Buffs and runs changes

Riot wants games to go longer and lanning phase to last as long as you cant get your first items while you behind the first major change that riot throw is giving towers plate plus a new runs system more flexible i talked about these changes , i talked bout these changes in depth in this article make sure to check it out Upcoming Season 9 Preseason changes

No more bone planting 

riot said they want to make lanning phase longer , but they were removing bone planting , bone planting to say the least about it , that is so annoying makes players tankier in the early game especially in the mid lane , in the top lane bone plating is necessary to lane , if you played in the pbe this patch you will notice that bone plating was removes and most players taking demolish to take towers fast which is doesn't make sense to me  , dying fast wont make lanning phase longer if the enemy got fed and keeping demolish will only take towers faster ,

Orn Rework and Orn Item upgrade

Orn in pbe received a huge patch , couple of changes to his kit and the items he can upgrade , upgraded items can no longer be bougth from the store as orn must upgrade them for you and he must be closer to you to do so , upgrade now can be done in level 11 instead of level 13 plus orn has a glitch on pbe when he can received infinite gold throw his new passive

the items that orn can upgraded two will be added to the family
Yommu's Wraitblade
riot want to help assassins that scale less hard to game in orn teams to get some advantages from the pick as well

Frozen fist
in my opinions this a help to orn himself as most orns build this item instead of triforce cuz it gives armor and more mana more stats that benifts orn himself however it can be good for ezreal as well and other champions that benifts from this item like nasus or poppy if the orn is support or jungle

you may ask how this effecting the meta i say we may see in competitive play assassins in orn teams that this item would make them valuable in the late game as you know more competitive games based on scaling and longer games and come back and rarely we see hard stomped teams

TOP 5 8.23 Patch Changes That will effect the meta TOP 5 8.23 Patch Changes That will effect the meta Reviewed by winston on November 15, 2018 Rating: 5

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